Biomagnetic Cap
This biomagnetic hat aids with the following:
- Pituitary gland dysfunction
- Cerebral dysfunction
- Anxiety
- Vision problems
- Panic attacks
- Locked jaw
- Vertigo
- Alzheimer's
- Teeth grinding
- Epilepsy
- Convulsions
- Inflammation of the optic nerve
- Hair loss
- Loss of appetite
- Addictions
- Bipolar disorder
- Depression
- Schizophrenia
- Pineal dysfunction
- Vitiligo
- Anemia
- Dysarthria
- Producing melatonin
- Maintaining circadian rhythm
- Regulating reproductive hormones
- Mental clarity
- Memory
- Tingling of fingers and toes
- Insomnia
- Sensitivity to light
- Inflammation of the brain
- Encephalitis virus
- Headaches
- Micro-circulation of the cerebrum
- Hypertension
- Pulmonary emphysema
- Dental problems
- Alertness
- Flow of lymphatic system
- Eyestrain
- Edemas of arms and legs
- Dementia
- Tinnitus
- Skin rashes
- Muscle aches
- Lumbar, neck and shoulder pain
- Fatigue
- Nervous tick
- Intoxication
- Drooping of upper eyelids
- Dizziness when working out
- Reovirus
- Facial paralysis
- Regulates 12 cranial nerves
Please DO NOT wear design if you:
- Have a pacemaker, vagus nerve stimulator, or any implanted medical device
- Have a bullet or bullet fragment in your body
- Please seek medical or practicioner guidance if you have (had) cancer or are currently pregnant.
- Neodymium magnets are very strong, please be careful not to use products around metal items that can be attacted and attach. If you need more guidance, please send an email to Also, be cautious on how you handle the products as magnets will attract and close rappidly. Please view videos on our page for safe handling.
NO USE imanes si:
- Tiene un marcapasos, estimulador del nervio vago, o dispositivo implantado por medicos.
- Tiene una bala o fragmento de bala en el cuerpo.
- Busque orientación médica o profesional si tiene (a tenido) cáncer o está actualmente embarazada.
- Los imanes de neodimio son muy fuertes; tenga cuidado de no utilizar productos cerca de elementos metálicos que puedan pegarse. Si necesita más orientación, envíe un correo electrónico a Además, tenga cuidado al manipular los productos, ya que los imanes se atraerán y cerrarán rápidamente. Vea videos en nuestra página para un manejo seguro.